News & Updates

Lawmakers Dornink and Mueller Join Farmers for Poultry Day at the Capitol

February 23, 2021
The MTGA and CEAM met with Senator Gene Dornink of Hayfield and Representative Patricia Mueller of Austin for Poultry Day at the Capitol.

Rep. Rob Ecklund Joins Farmers for Poultry Day at the Capitol

February 23, 2021
The MTGA and CEAM met with Representative Rob Ecklund, Chair of the Labor Committee and Ag Committee member, for Poultry Day at the Capitol.

Lawmakers Frentz and Akland Join Farmers for Poultry Day at the Capitol

February 23, 2021
The MTGA and CEAM met with Senator Nick Frentz of North Mankato and Representative Susan Akland of St. Peter for Poultry Day at the Capitol.

Lawmakers Jasinski and Daniels Join Farmers for Poultry Day at the Capitol

February 23, 2021
The MTGA and CEAM met with Faribault’s Senator John Jasinski and Representative Brian Daniels for Poultry Day at the Capitol.

Senator Carla Nelson Joins Farmers for Poultry Day at the Capitol

February 23, 2021
MTGA and CEAM met with with Senator Carla Nelson of Rochester for Poultry Day at the Capitol. Farmers shared their legislative priorities in a virtual setting.

Lawmakers Carrie Ruud and Dale Lueck Join Farmers for Poultry Day at the Capitol

February 23, 2021
The MTGA and CEAM met with Senator Carrie Ruud of Breezy Point and Representative Dale Lueck of Aitkin for Poultry Day at the Capitol.

Contract Turkey Farmers Now Eligible for CFAP Aid

February 16, 2021
Winona Post
USDA officials extended CFAP-2 to contract turkey growers. Farmers who experienced pandemic-related revenue losses in 2020 are now eligible for payments.

Minnesota Turkey unveils expanded resources via revamped website

February 12, 2021
Poultry Times
Resources to help farmers, educators, and consumers were added to the user-friendly site.

Minnesota Turkey unveils expanded resources via revamped website

February 11, 2021
Morning Ag Clips
The MTGA and MTRPC are excited to reveal their new website to turkey farmers, agriculture stakeholders, and the general public.