Virtual Event Featured Legislative Priorities for Poultry Farmers
BUFFALO, Minn. – The Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (MTGA) and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota (CEAM) met with Senator Carla Nelson of Rochester for Poultry Day at the Capitol. For the first time ever, the group of farmers shared their legislative priorities in a virtual setting.
“Senator Nelson is a problem solver who digs into the issues you bring before her. Our turkey farmers appreciated her willingness to listen and offer feedback,” said Sarah Anderson, Executive Director of the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association.
Workforce development and research on poultry health topped the list of priorities for the MTGA/CEAM group of poultry farmers. As Chair of the Senate Tax Committee, Senator Nelson is poised to help poultry farmers and strengthen our rural economy.
“There are no shortages of jobs within the turkey industry. MTGA is dedicated to working with lawmakers and connecting Minnesotans to the wealth of job opportunities within the turkey sector,” said Anderson.
During the meeting with Senator Nelson, farmers also expressed their support for the continuation of the Agriculture Research, Education, Extension, and Technology Transfer (AGREETT) Fund at the Department of Agriculture. This program supports research important to poultry health.
MTGA is a trade association representing over 450 turkey farmers across the state. Many of our growers come from multi-generational family farms. Our organization also represents turkey processors and other industry stakeholders. Together, we advocate for the interests of the Minnesota turkey farmer and industry as a whole.
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