Turkey Farmers Technology Sessions & Poultry Health Management School
February 27, 2021
West Central Tribune
Turkey farmer technology sessions will be March 23-25 at various locations. Poultry Health School is May 24-25. Register to attend at PoultryHealthSchool.com.
Turkey Farmers to Host Technology Sessions in the Industry
February 25, 2021
The Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (MTGA) is excited to host meetings across the state focused on technology in the Minnesota turkey industry March 23-25.
Lawmakers Dahms, Swedzinski and Torkelson Join Farmers for Poultry Day at the Capitol
February 23, 2021
The MTGA and CEAM met with Sen. Gary Dahms (Redwood Falls) and Reps. Chris Swedzinski (Ghent) and Paul Torkelson (Hanska) for Poultry Day at the Capitol.