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With rituals upended, Minnesotans rethink Thanksgiving

November 14, 2020
Star Tribune
When it comes to the food-centric Thanksgiving holiday, Minnesota is king.

State Aid Set for Minnesota Turkey Farmers

November 12, 2020
Minnesota Department of Agriculture unveiled the Turkey Market Loss Cost-Share Program to help turkey farmers and the industry

Turkey Farmer John Burkel is Elected to the Minnesota House

November 9, 2020
Past President of Minnesota Turkey Growers Association John Burkel won election to the Minnesota House of Representatives

COVID-19 To Impact How Minnesotans Celebrate Thanksgiving This Year

October 27, 2020
CBS News
Thanksgiving is one month away and many families are making plans for a different type of celebration this year.

Thanksgiving Turkeys Will Be Different This Year — Here's What That Means for You

October 21, 2020
Some things are changing about turkeys in 2020, but anyone who wants one should be able to find one.

Will you cut your turkey intake on Thanksgiving? Minnesota producers brace for the answer

October 16, 2020
KARE 11 News
Minnesota is the largest turkey producing state in the nation, and that means a lot rides on an uncertain 2020 holiday.

A Disrupted Thanksgiving Leaves the Turkey Business Guessing

October 13, 2020
NY Times
Without big gatherings, will Americans buy whole birds? Smaller ones? Just parts? Farmers and retailers are already placing their bets.

Congressional delegation aids Minnesota Turkey farmers

October 1, 2020
The Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (MTGA), turkey farmers, Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP2) for losses caused by the pandemic