Hanska Turkey Farmer Tim Miller Wins Re-Election to Minnesota Turkey Research and Promotion Council

For Immediate Release

Contact: Rebecca Groos, (763) 682-2171, rgroos@minnesotaturkey.com 

BUFFALO, Minn. – Minnesota turkey growers from across the state re-elect Tim Miller of Hanska to the Minnesota Turkey Research and Promotion Council (MTRPC).  Miller will serve a term of three years representing Minnesota turkey growers.   


“Tim’s passion to promote and advance Minnesota’s turkey industry is the reason we are number one in the nation for turkey production. With a sharp pencil and keen eye, he makes sure we are doing our best every day to highlight the nutritional benefits of turkey,” said Executive DirectorSarah Anderson. 


Tim Miller, owner of T & J Turkeys LLP, has been a part of the turkey industry for 30 years. Miller raises approximately 145,000 heavy toms and light hens on his farm in Hanska.  


Miller first won election to the Council in 2018. Now in his second term, he will help guide the Council through continued investments in research related to turkey health and promotional efforts educating the public about turkey’s lean protein. 


MTRPC is the oldest check-off based commodity organization in Minnesota, celebrating 56 years. Growers voluntarily support the programming of MTRPC through dues paid via the check-off. Since 1965, the MTRPC has worked diligently to encourage consumers to eat more turkey year-round, sponsor innovative turkey research and educate a variety of audiences about the benefits of turkey.

To learn more about MTRPC visit https://www.minnesotaturkey.com/. Find us on Facebook (@MinnesotaTurkey),Twitter (@MinnesotaTurkey), Instagram (MinnesotaTurkey) and YouTube (MinnesotaTurkey).

